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Let's hear your story for coeliac awareness week!

Fame and fortune awaits!

Ok, maybe not, but it's your chance to star in a video where people learn about your coeliac story.

All you have to do is send me a quick video outlining how you got diagnosed and what symptoms you experienced.

The two best entries will then go into a video for both social media and a future edition of my e-mail newsletter.


How long should the video be?

30 - 60 seconds is plenty.

What should I talk about?

Just tell us what happened to you. When did you first notice things were different? What were your symptoms? When were you diagnosed? What's life like now?

Do I have to edit it?

Only if you want to. Just don't send me more than 60 seconds!

I'm nervous!

Relax! People are desperate to get the word out about coeliac disease. That's why we have a whole week dedicated to coeliac awareness.

What's the deadline?

12noon on Thurs 18 May

How do I send the video?

Send your e-mail entry to (and use WeTransfer if the file's big).

Speak soon!

Ali xo



Hi! Great to have you here...

My name's Ali and I help people on gluten-free diets have a better, easier and healthier lifestyle. 

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