What is a coeliac oach?
A coeliac coach is someone who can help guide you on your coeliac journey. Whether you're struggling to know what you can eat, where to shop, places to trust when you eat out, how you can deal with comments on friends and family, or simply want someone to listen and understand, a coach can offer sound knowledge and advice to make life easier to manage.
Why choose coeliac coaching?
Does your life feel like it's been turned upside down? That you don't have a say anymore in things that were really important to you? Like being spontaneous and eating out wherever you wanted or popping round to a friend's for a cuppa and a biscuit. Or letting your child go on a school trip without worrying they'll get ill? If you feel lost, it's time to chat to someone who knows how to help.
What is a strategy session?
A strategy session is your chance to talk 1:1 with an expert. It's a time where you can discuss the issues you're having and be given practical advice on how to make life easier.
A strategy session is not a substitute for medical advice or counselling. If you are concerned about your physical or mental health it's important to talk your GP.
What situations can a coeliac coach help you with?
Perhaps your coeliac child is struggling to get their needs met at school; a coeliac coach can help you to approach the teacher or Principal confidently. If you work in an office environment and there's a regular non-gluten-free buffet, a coeliac coach can help you feel positive about asking for your dietary needs to be met. Maybe you're struggling with friends or family who simply don't take your new diet seriously, putting you at risk. A coeliac coach can help you find ways to stop people-pleasing and put your needs first.
What are the main benefits of coeliac coaching?
Reassurance. Calm. A far better quality of life. Just having a coach makes life feel so much easier. You'll be given strategies to save time, solve problems and reduce pressure. Whether it's a simpler way to approach family mealtimes or ways to discuss your diet with people who are important to you, you'll benefit from clarity and peace of mind.
My approach to coeliac strategy sessions
We'll begin with a discovery call where we can chat about what your needs are and what you're hoping to achieve. You'll get a free 15 minute Zoom session where we'll discuss what difficulties you've been having with coeliac disease and where you'd like to get to, both for your health and your holistic wellbeing.
"I really got a lot from the session & would highly recommend Ali's services."
Clare Harvey (diagnosed with coeliac disease in September)