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How to make a gluten-free chocolate protein pudding

Shocker: I have a bit of a thing for chocolate. And I really have a thing for cacao powder. The intensity of it... Mmmmmmmmmmmm!

And the earlier I can have chocolate, the better. So what better way to enjoy it than as a second breakfast on a daily basis?

Gluten-free chocolate protein pudding
Chocolate protein pudding with added mango and blueberries

You think I'm joking?

Please. It is chocolate.

I find ready-made gluten-free protein treats hard to come by (I also have to avoid oats, which makes snack bars a challenge). Plus, making your own food is soooo much tastier and nutritious.

Not only that, but if you make this particular protein pudding you'll also be getting a good dose of fibre, which is (to put it delicately) most important for digestive transit, particularly if you're a coeliac like me who's had issues with this in the past.

(N.B. I don't want to divulge too much information while we're on the subject of chocolate, but if you look at an article I wrote for Gluten-Free Heaven magazine here, you'll quickly understand why I rate fibre as being incredibly important.)

And if you're wondering how often I enjoy this pudding, let's just say it's at least 6 times a week. (Okay, 7). Further proof can be found in the number of images I have of it on my phone. (Here's one from my garden.)

Ali Walsh's gluten-free chocolate protein pudding
Chocolate protein pudding with chia seeds, strawberries & blueberries


  • 10g chia seeds

  • 20ml hazelnut milk

  • 180g protein yogurt

  • 5g cacao powder

  • 10g cacao nibs

  • 30g fresh berries (I love blueberries)

  • 50g mango (or whatever's in season)


  1. Soak the chia seeds in the milk for at least 10 mins.

  2. Separately, mix together the yogurt, cacao nibs & cacao powder.

  3. Alternate a dollop of the mixture over the chia seed mix with portions of fruit.

  4. Continue doing this until all the mixture is used up.

  5. Optional: finish off with a few extra cacao nibs for decadence.

  6. Enjoy!

Total: 300 calories, 28 grams protein, 9 grams fibre

Allergens: contains milk (dairy) & nuts

For an allergen-free pudding, swap nut milk for rice milk and dairy yogurt for a vegan alternative.

And if you need further details for the brands I personally enjoy (i.e. not an ad - I simply like these brands):


No time to prepare?

For days when you're on the go or really don't have the time to whip this little number up, there's an alternative and it's made by Nestle. It's called Kvarg Stracciatella and it's divine. Here's a little pic in case you need to flag someone down in the supermarket to find it.

Chocolate pieces in protein yogurt
17g of protein for 150g of yogurt with chocolate pieces - not bad!

So... Have you tried the pudding? What did you think? Let me know!



Hi! Great to have you here...

My name's Ali and I help people on gluten-free diets have a better, easier and healthier lifestyle. 

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