The thinking woman's holey gluten-free bread
It's becoming an old joke: gluten-free bread with holes in.
You can't always tell from the outside of the loaf so it's not until you actually go to pop the bread in the toaster that the problem arises. And you're hungry. Grrrr! Who nicked the middle?

This slice appeared before me this morning. I have to say, the hole in the middle is rather neat*, which lends itself to a rather obvious solution.
Rather than have an egg in an egg cup....

I can simply forego the china and save myself on some washing up. Hurrah for holey bread!

*Admittedly, many gluten-free holes are not this user-friendly. Quite often, the bread falls apart and I end up having to shake my toaster upside down to get out all the pieces (or risk a burnt piece being toasted over and over again). But on the odd occasion the majority of my loaf has been unusable, I've been given a refund at the supermarket. It does mean making another shopping trip but at least I'll get my three quid back (and three quid's three quid!).
Have you got any solutions for gluten-free food problems? Do share them below!