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Understanding the coeliac disease cure

Ali Walsh gluten-free coach

Is coeliac disease curable?

Explore the facts... 

Coeliac disease is a lifelong autoimmune condition affecting many people worldwide.


Let's face it, there have been many times when being on a gluten-free diet has frustrated even the calmest of people. So it's no wonder there's hope for a cure.


But is coeliac disease curable?


Whether you've just been diagnosed coeliac or you've had years of experience under your belt, you may wonder if science has progressed and one day you'll be able to eat gluten again.


This page delves into the facts about a potential coeliac disease cure, providing insights and guidance for those living with this condition. We start with what coeliac disease is, how it's currently treated and what hope there is for the future.


Meanwhile, if you're experiencing difficulties with your gluten-free diet or simply want some practical strategies to make life easier, book a free discovery call with Ali by clicking the link below.



What is coeliac disease?

(And how do you spell it?)

Coeliac disease is an autoimmune condition where the body's immune system attacks its own tissues when you eat gluten.

Is it coeliac or celiac?

If you live outside the UK and Australia, you may well find it's referred to as 'celiac disease'. Rest-assured, missing 'o' or not, it's the same condition. The word is derived from the Greek word 'koiliakos' meaning 'suffering of the bowels'.


But however you spell it, being coeliac or celiac incurs the same problems. If you're keen to stop it from dominating your thoughts, try Ali's online webinar 'How to stop coeliac disease ruling your life!' (and yes, it's helpful for celiacs, too). Just click the link below...



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What are the symptoms of coeliac disease?

Symptoms can vary from person to person but can include bloating, diarrhoea, nausea, wind, constipation, tiredness, sudden or unexpected weight loss, hair loss and anaemia. But there are MANY more symptoms, which is why many people aren't immediately diagnosed.

Can you die from coeliac disease?

Rest-assured, it's not immediately life-threatening. But if left untreated, coeliac disease can lead to a number of serious complications, including malnutrition, osteoporosis, infertility, and in rare cases, small bowel cancer.

I have different symptoms from the ones you've described. Are you sure I'm coeliac?

Sadly, you can be a 'silent coeliac' and still have coeliac disease. This means you won't have physical symptoms (like vomiting or diarrhoea). You may find you're anaemic or have ataxia (brain fog). Either way, long-term damage can still be happening on the inside, which is why it's vital you maintain a strict gluten-free diet.

Can coeliac disease be diagnosed at any age?

Yes, coeliac disease can develop and be diagnosed at any age. You can be born with coeliac disease or develop it later in life.

What happens if I keep eating gluten with coeliac disease?

If you have coeliac disease and continue to eat gluten, damage to your intestines will continue. So whether you feel well or not (i.e. even in the the absence of symptoms) eating gluten can lead to serious health complications (see next FAQ for more info).

Does that mean you can suddenly develop coeliac disease?

Annoyingly, yes. Yes, you can develop coeliac disease at any time in your life. It can be triggered by a stressful event. While experts aren't entirely sure why, it seems factors include severe emotional stress, surgery, a virus, pregnancy or childbirth. (N.B. This is not a definitive list.)

Is coeliac disease genetic?

Yes, coeliac disease can be genetic. It runs in families and is more common among first-degree relatives (there's a 10% chance you'll pass it on to your children). So if you have coeliac disease then all your first degree relatives (parents, siblings & children) should be tested for coeliac disease, too.

What research is being done to help coeliacs?

The advancement of AI means autoimmune conditions may be detected before they occur and could therefore be preventable. This gives hope to anyone who fears their children may develop coeliac disease after inheriting the gene.

Can coeliac disease be cured by diet?

While a strict gluten-free diet can help manage the symptoms of coeliac disease, it is not a cure. The damage to the intestines will continue if gluten is consumed. So if you have an endoscopy and your villi look healthy it's not because you're not coeliac. It simply means you're intestines have healed thanks to your gluten-free diet.

But what if I already have coeliac disease? Will I ever be able to eat gluten again?

While an absolute cure isn't likely just yet, exciting research is being done. From taking a pill with food to adjusting the immune system's reaction to gluten, scientists are rumoured to be a few years away from helping coeliacs avoid the effects of small amounts of gluten (like cross-contamination).

Is there a cure for coeliac disease?

Currently, there is no definitive cure for coeliac disease. The most effective treatment is a strict gluten-free diet. That said, ongoing research & testing for drug therapies gives us hope there may one day be a cure.

Is coeliac disease a disability?

You may feel with all the issues you have to deal with, coeliac disease should be classed as a disability. However, coeliac disease is not classified as a disability under the Equality Act 2010, despite being a long-term health condition which can be disabling for some individuals.

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