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Where to go for a gluten-free holiday

If you're not already aware, Italy is one of the best places for a coeliac to go. Although there are currently c-virus restrictions to be aware of, it's a place to plan for in months to come. And where is it? Florence: a completely gluten-free restaurant called Quinoa.

The 100% gluten-free restaurant Quinoa in the centre of Florence

I was lucky enough to be able to go last year for my birthday. My 21st, of course. Oh all right, that's a lie. 23rd (and a couple of decades).

Unlike the name Quinoa suggests, I wasn't eating pulses and plant-based food. I was actually scoffing a typical Italian meal, which began with freshly baked bread, which the lovely waiter boasted had come out of the oven a mere 45 minutes prior to my arrival. I added a dirty martini (natch) and grinned from ear to ear.

A special martini at Quinoa!

Choosing my main meal was an absolute nightmare, not because there wasn't anything I could have, but because I could eat anything I wanted and I wanted it all! I ended up plumping for risotto with truffles, which sounds as decadent as it was.

A gluten-free meal at Quinoa, Italy

And if that doesn't make you instantly want to head over to Italy, check out what was on offer for dessert: a homemade cheesecake with fresh fruit and a chocolate torte with 85% cacao. (If you're wondering, there were 5 other delicious desserts on offer.)

Gluten-free cheesecake and chocolate torte

You'll have to excuse my camera phone photos - we were eating late at night so the lighting wasn't as brilliant as I'd hoped!

I don't think I've ever felt totally at ease when I've eaten at a restaurant, but this place was different. It also helped that the waiter's English was pretty near perfect. He even knew what millet was! So to all the coeliacs who are wondering where to book their hols next year, I heartily recommend going to Florence, although possibly with a stretchy set of clothes.

Have you been abroad at a totally gluten-free restaurant? Do let me know below where it was and what it was like!



Hi! Great to have you here...

My name's Ali and I help people on gluten-free diets have a better, easier and healthier lifestyle. 

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